About the product

An outbreak of an emergency animal disease (EAD) in Australia could cause significant social and economic harm. They can affect the health of animals, humans and the environment. 

This field guide details important emergency animal diseases that do not exist in Australia or that are rare. It will help you to:

  • include appropriate EADs in your differential diagnosis
  • take appropriate action if you see signs of an unusual disease.

New diseases of animals continue to emerge. Veterinarians must investigate and report unusual outbreaks of disease in domestic animals.


Vets can also access a series of online training modules on EAD surveillance.

This training will:

  • remind you of your obligations to identify and report cases of suspected EADs to government authorities
  • identify the right reporting channels
  • outline key response strategies and intervention options in an EAD event
  • provide key roles for private vets to detect, investigate, report and respond to EAD events
  • help you source technical resources on EADs.